Ocean vs. River Cruises

Ocean cruises and river cruises get compared to each other a lot and the truth is they are very different.  We decided to break it down between features and price to give everyone a real idea of what to expect and the real truth behind the cost.  River cruises cruise in places ocean cruises can't go and vice versa so we can't compare the exact same cruise, but we can compare two European cruises of the similar length and with similar ports.  

First we should look at the experience you will have on the two.  In the end, the price doesn't matter if you aren't going to have the experience you are looking for.  

Ocean Cruises

Ocean Cruises

Ocean Cruises

Ocean Cruises

River Cruises

River Cruises

River Cruises

River Cruises

Ocean Cruises

River Cruises

Ocean cruises have so many people on board they attract a ton of options in each port for excursions and things to do. The downside is because of their size a lot of the ships are hours away from their main destination cities. 

River cruises stop in the heart of their destinations so you can literally just get walk off the ship and experience the city. The cruise lines own excursions also are smaller and more intimate. The downside, you won't have as many options for guided excursions and booking outside the cruise line may be a bit more expensive. 

Destination Ports

Ocean cruises offer a wide variety of accommodations allowing those on a limited budget to sail as well as those that want lavish accommodations. They will have something for everyone but keep in mind you will get what you pay for.  


River cruise accommodations are more like a floating luxury hotel. There are less cabin options but they tend to be more comfortable and offer more amenities than a standard ocean stateroom. 


River cruise entertainment is very minimal because they want you to be off the ship seeing the destinations you came there for. They tend to be in longer with more late night or overnight stays so you can really experience the area. The ship is for sleeping, eating and down time. 

See the sights during the day and play all night as well as sea days. There is nightlife, theatrical productions, audience participation events, casinos, and so much more to entertain you every minute you are on board. 


Most larger ships offer up to a dozen options for dining and even more bars. You probably won't be able to experience every dining venue on a ship in a typical cruise. Half of the dining options though will add to the cost of the cruise.  

River cruises have less restaurants but tend to cater to their guests wishes more. The choices may be fewer but the quality is amazing and they will do everything possible to give you what you want.  Most river cruises shop in the markets you go visit so fresh is an understatement.  


Depending on your stateroom category, and even the cruise line you are on, the level is service is going to vary drastically. Some cruise lines are amazing and some not so much. When it comes to service and cruise lines, do your research if service is important to you.  

River cruises only hold a few hundred people. This allows them to give a much more personalized experience. Its not uncommon for the restaurant staff to know your name and know you don't like mushrooms or want extra Jack in your drink. And we love them for that. 

Now that you have some insight into the differences between the two, lets look at the price.  We are going to look at a week long Mediterranean cruise on Celebrity, NCL, Viking and Ama Waterways in a standard balcony cabin.  Prices below are per person.  The prices below are the current promotional prices.  Keep in mind that we can’t compare the exact same cruise because they don’t visit the same ports, but we are getting as close as possible.  Lower prices may be available on either depending on the itinerary.  

Now that you know the difference between an Ocean Cruise and a River Cruise, lets discuss price. On the full website version of this page, we break down the prices between two ocean cruise lines and two river cruise lines comparing everything; price, fees, gratuities, drinks, dining, excursions and more. The end result was, if you are going to take excursions, use the wifi, have a few drinks during the cruise, the prices between river cruises and ocean cruises are not that different.  

The point we were trying to make was that the price may look extreme when you first look at them but that is because river cruises include most things in their prices, whereas, ocean cruise lines still charge everything individually for the most part. Ocean cruise lines that have begun including all of those extra amenities, their prices are very comparable to river cruises right form the start. Before you decide not to take a river cruise because of the initial sticker shock, compare apples to apples including everything. You might be pleasantly surprised.  

Comparing Apples to Apples

Celebrity - 8 Nights

Celebrity - 8 Nights

Norwegian - 7 Nights

Viking - 8 Nights

Ama Waterways - 7 Nights

Cruise Price

Taxes & Port Fees

Crew Gratuities





Total Cost




Some Included

Some Included

Some Included







Included + Specialty

Some Included






Some Included








Some Included





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